Product Offering

Product Offering

Performance, Price Saving, Bundling, Safety

Product Offering

  • We continuously improving our products that out-performed our competitors.
  • We take into account all factors in the design of our products to minimize errors.
  • We welcome you to challenge us with better products.
  • Our prices are very competitive as we sell directly from our factory without any third party' cost.
  • Our large and established customer base enables us to produce huge quantities thus passing the savings to you.
  • Global purchase and sourcing lower the price of raw material
  • Volume-base pricing ensuring you benefit from bigger quantities
  • Our experienced technical team ensures you always get the right products with the required minimum dosage and excellent performance.
  • We optimize all our processes and control of reprocesses to minimize loss ensuring savings in all area of production.
  • We use the right quantity of water content, ingredients formulation and minimize the packaging in order to avoid wastage 
  • We provide a one-stop shop for all your chemical needs from a full range of textile auxiliaries and colours.
  • Our chemicals are compatible to ensure maximum performance of the formulations and lowering risk and errors.
  • The more numbers of products you are using from us, the more services and solution we can offer you.
  • Our products and processes are compliant ZDHC, Oeko-Tex 100 Standard, GOTS, REACH, Blue Sign and most of international required standards.
  • Our procedures are built in to prevent and minimise risk that are involved in handling chemicals, ensuring protection for our products and team.