- Anti-thermomigration textile silicone
- Weak cationic
- Woven & Knits
- Polyester & Blends
- Impart an elegant touch with extraordinary softness, slickness and bulkiness to the finished fabrics.
- Overcome the issue of thermo-migration of disperse dyes during heat setting on polyester and its blends
- Bluesign Registered
- Non-Yellowing product
- Hydrophilic polyurethane
- Nonionic
- Polyester & Polyamide & Polyacrylic & Acetate & Blends
- Woven fabric & Knits & Denim
- An hydrophilic polymer which is used for imparting permanent hydrophilic and anti-static properties to synthetic fabrics
- Recommended for the dual Moisture Management Finish of sport-wear and similar articles

- Bluesign Registered
- Excellent anti static effects on all kinds of synthetic fibres
- Cationic
- Polyester & Polyamide & Polyacrylic & Acetate & Blends
- Woven fabric & Knits & Denim
- An anti-static agent used for finishing polyester, acrylic, polyamide, acetates and their blends with wool, cotton and other cellulosic fibres.
- Resistant to mild washing, and no influence on the treated fabrics or garments handle.

- Bluesign Registered
- Hydrophilic additive and softener
- Cationic/ Nonionic
- Cotton & Viscose & Wool & Polyester & Acrylic & Polyamide & Blends
- Woven fabric & Knits & Denim
- A concentrated hydrophilic polymer micro-emulsion
- Imparts excellent hydrophility and a wicking effect
- Can be applied by padding, spraying and exhaust processes

- Bluesign Registered
- Clear yellowish slightly viscous liquid
- Cationic/ Nonionic
- Polyester & Polyamide & Polyacrylic & Acetate & Blends
- Woven fabric & Knits & Denim
- A durable hydrophilic comfort-finishing and moisture management agent for synthetic fabrics.
- Highly recommended for high active sports wear,
- Versatile in application, either in batch-wise by exhaust process or in continuous by padding methods or spraying method

- Nonionic/ Amphoteric
- Poly- Urethane softener
- Cotton & Polyester & All fibres & Blends
- Woven & Knits
- A self cross linking soft polymer, suitable for finishing of all kinds of fabrics
- Recommended as an finishing agent to improve abrasion resistance and anti-pilling behaviour of the treated fabrics
- Poly- Urethane softener
- Weak cationic
- Cotton & Polyester & All fibres & Blends
- Woven & Knits
- Imparts a soft, bulky and smooth touch to the treated fabrics without affected to the color fastness
- Excellent soil release effects are realized because of the combination of hydrophilic and cross-linking properties of AVCO-SOFT PU film
- Hydrophobic character
- Weak cationic
- Cotton & Polyester & All fibres & Blends
- Woven & Knits
- Elastomeric polymer preparation with a build in reactive functional end-groups
- Provide high-grade softness along with stretchy finish and bounciness to textile fabrics properties
- ZDHC Level 3 approved
- Incompatible with anionic products
- Nonionic
- ZDHC Registered
- Cotton & Polyester & All fibres & Blends
- Woven & Knits
- Hồ mềm silicone đàn hồi thế hệ mới, bền với lực xé
- Cho cảm giác mềm, mượt cùng với độ đàn hồi và phục hồi hình dạng tốt cho vải hoàn tất elastomeric, shear stable silicone softerner
- Imparts smooth and soft handle along with good elasticity and shape recovery of the finished fabrics
